Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex People, Intersex Traits, My Intersex Story, Science, Self-Determination

To help end intersex genital mutilation, please stop conflating sex traits with gender identity.

A person on social media wrote to me, "I am male?" When I asked if they were a man. I then told them this describes their endosex sex traits since they did not say they had intersex physiology. Then I asked: "What is your gender identity?" I still do not know this person's gender identity.… Continue reading To help end intersex genital mutilation, please stop conflating sex traits with gender identity.

Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Genital Integrity, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex People, Intersex Traits, Prejudice, Self-Determination

Some People in Power and Control Will Not Stop Regulating Our Intersex Lives as Nonconsenting Children.

My educational thoughts for the day: We have all been taught by colonialism, and people in power and control, to pathologize human diversity. This language mostly comes from people of power who are white, endosex, cisgender, heterosexual men. To this day, people in power and control invent what is "normal" and have judged, pathologized, and… Continue reading Some People in Power and Control Will Not Stop Regulating Our Intersex Lives as Nonconsenting Children.

Cosmetic Genital Surgery, endosexism, Hate Crimes, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex Traits, Prejudice, Self-Determination, TEDx Jacksonville, Transgender

A Call for Action: Against Anti-Youth Transgender Bills

Many anti-youth transgender bills have exclusions that promote the continued surgical harm of innocent intersex kids.   In these bills, they will call an intersex child a“disorder of sex development” and wrongfully justify continuing to do cosmetic, medically unnecessary surgeries on non-consenting children. All children, endosex or intersex, deserve self-determination over their own bodies.   Trans youth, and intersex babies/children,… Continue reading A Call for Action: Against Anti-Youth Transgender Bills

Civil Rights, Human Rights, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Intersex Traits, My Intersex Story, Our Intersex Love Story, Prejudice

Dear Medical Complex and Government, Gestational Fathers Exist!

Dear Medical Complex and Government, My son and daughter are biologically related to both of their parents. We are two men, a gestational dad, and a seminal father. You see, I am an intersex man. I am not a woman.I am not female. We are not the only family like this. Please update your forms immediately! Your prejudice… Continue reading Dear Medical Complex and Government, Gestational Fathers Exist!

endosexism, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Traits, Short Messages

What is endosex?

To better fight for the human rights of intersex children adding words to describe human diversity is necessary. Human beings can be born with endosex male physiology and endosex female physiology. If a person is born without endosex physiology, they are said to have been born with intersex physiology. Like endosex physiology, intersex physiology includes… Continue reading What is endosex?

Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Cultural Dysphoria, Emancipation, endosexism, Freedom, Genital Integrity, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex Erasure, Intersex People, Intersex Phobia, Intersex Traits, My Intersex Story, Prejudice, Science, Self-Determination, TEDx Jacksonville, Transgender, United Nations

My Plea: I am a 46XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN

This is the Poster I e-mailed for the Laurie Children's Hospital CAH Stories Symposium, Held on Feb. 4th and 5th, 2022. Email: The text in the poster above reads: I AM A MAN I am a 46 XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN You will not erase my intersex existence with your bad… Continue reading My Plea: I am a 46XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN

Celebrations, Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Freedom, Genital Integrity, Hope, Intersex Traits, Poems

Poem: Mr. Vagina, Mrs. Penis, and Mx. Hermaphrodite

Welcome, Mr. Vagina, Mrs. Penis, and Mx. Hermaphrodite! Welcome to a new world that doesn't deny your existence. Where genitals can belong to any gender identity and any sexual orientation and you are all valid. Where us humans have learned to stop conflating sex traits with gender identity. Better yet, no one is diagnosed as… Continue reading Poem: Mr. Vagina, Mrs. Penis, and Mx. Hermaphrodite

Bridge Building, Civil Rights, Cultural Dysphoria, Genital Integrity, Homophobia, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex Erasure, Intersex People, Intersex Phobia, Intersex Traits, My Intersex Story, Prejudice, Religion and Bridge Building, Self-Determination, TEDx Jacksonville, Transphobia

My Letter: SB 225 (Wiener) – My Intersex Story

Dear Senator(s) and whom it will concern, RE: SB 225 (Wiener) | January 20, 2021  I was born in 1967, with a rare form of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia and with non-life-threatening genitals that made my mom feel that I might be her son. She was going to name me Anthony Ray. Closer inspection made them… Continue reading My Letter: SB 225 (Wiener) – My Intersex Story

Bridge Building, Gender Nonconforming, Human Rights, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex inclusion, Intersex Traits, Transgender

Human Sexuality is Diverse & Greater Than the Binary

Created by Mx. Anunnaki Ray Marquez Shared on Facebook January 9, 20201: All humans can be assigned wrong at birth. I saw another version of this floating around and took the liberty to make it more gender diverse and intersex friendly.Not all people assigned wrong at birth are transgender. Not all people assigned wrong at… Continue reading Human Sexuality is Diverse & Greater Than the Binary

Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Intersex Traits, Science, Transgender

My cancer scare: 46XX and born with a prostate!

I have had pain with urinating for several years now, problems emptying my bladder, and outright bladder cramping due to spasms. These problems were happening even when I lived as an intersex woman. Now appearing and living as a man, the pain recently became so bad I was finally driven, by sheer desperation, to answers.… Continue reading My cancer scare: 46XX and born with a prostate!