Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex People, Intersex Traits, My Intersex Story, Science, Self-Determination

To help end intersex genital mutilation, please stop conflating sex traits with gender identity.

A person on social media wrote to me, "I am male?" When I asked if they were a man. I then told them this describes their endosex sex traits since they did not say they had intersex physiology. Then I asked: "What is your gender identity?" I still do not know this person's gender identity.… Continue reading To help end intersex genital mutilation, please stop conflating sex traits with gender identity.

Hate Crimes, Intersex People, Intersex Phobia, Transgender

Things Endosex/Cisgender/Heterosexual people don’t have to worry about.

By talking to other intersex and/or transgender people on social media, I have created this list of things Endosex/Cisgender/Heterosexual people do NOT have to worry about daily. Note: you are born with endosex physiology if you are not born with intersex physiology. Cisgender means you agree with your birth assignment. Heterosexual means you are "straight".… Continue reading Things Endosex/Cisgender/Heterosexual people don’t have to worry about.

Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Genital Integrity, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex People, Intersex Traits, Prejudice, Self-Determination

Some People in Power and Control Will Not Stop Regulating Our Intersex Lives as Nonconsenting Children.

My educational thoughts for the day: We have all been taught by colonialism, and people in power and control, to pathologize human diversity. This language mostly comes from people of power who are white, endosex, cisgender, heterosexual men. To this day, people in power and control invent what is "normal" and have judged, pathologized, and… Continue reading Some People in Power and Control Will Not Stop Regulating Our Intersex Lives as Nonconsenting Children.

My Intersex Story, Relationships, Short Messages

A call for action: My pronouns are not “preferred” they are required.

A Call for ACTION to our allies. I am asking for language to change regarding pronouns. Please say instead: "Please share your required pronouns with me, but only if you feel safe." Here are my reasons: 1) My pronouns are not preferred, they are required and never negotiable. 2) It is not always safe to… Continue reading A call for action: My pronouns are not “preferred” they are required.

Bridge Building, Hope, Human Rights, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Erasure, Intersex History, Intersex inclusion, Prejudice

An Intersex Gay Transgender Man’s Plea: A Call for Action to All Welcoming Queer and LGBTQ+ Loving Religious Affiliations

This poster was shared from Rainbow Human Rights Community on Facebook. My message is an urgent call for action to our intersex allies.  Especially if you are a part of any religious affiliation that is adding and lifting up LGBTQ+ people.  As a people, who embrace queerology and ethics, it is imperative that we change the narrative… Continue reading An Intersex Gay Transgender Man’s Plea: A Call for Action to All Welcoming Queer and LGBTQ+ Loving Religious Affiliations

Human Rights Violations, Intersex People, Intersex Phobia, My Intersex Story, Our Intersex Love Story, Transgender

In 2014, when I came out, I was told I could never receive communion again.

In 2014, when I cam out my authentic gender identity, I was told by my church I could never receive communion ever again. All due living as a man now and going against my birth assignment. Now my husband and I would appear fabulously gay and I would be considered transgender to my birth assignment.… Continue reading In 2014, when I came out, I was told I could never receive communion again.

Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Cultural Dysphoria, Emancipation, endosexism, Freedom, Genital Integrity, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex Erasure, Intersex People, Intersex Phobia, Intersex Traits, My Intersex Story, Prejudice, Science, Self-Determination, TEDx Jacksonville, Transgender, United Nations

My Plea: I am a 46XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN

This is the Poster I e-mailed for the Laurie Children's Hospital CAH Stories Symposium, Held on Feb. 4th and 5th, 2022. Email: The text in the poster above reads: I AM A MAN I am a 46 XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN You will not erase my intersex existence with your bad… Continue reading My Plea: I am a 46XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN

Bridge Building, Freedom, Hope, Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Self-Determination, Transgender

The Confusion of saying I “Identify as ______,” and a better solution.

I am struggling with language right now. Some are saying they "identify as intersex." I assume they are the variations of intersex that are rarely called "intersex." Such as CAH, Hypospadias, Klinfelters and or XXY people. In this regard, I understand the usage of the phrase "identify as intersex" because many of these variations of… Continue reading The Confusion of saying I “Identify as ______,” and a better solution.

Bridge Building, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Questions and Answers, Self-Determination, United Nations

Why Gender X Passport Doesn’t Work For Me.

Why Gender X passport doesn't work for me: It is because of my transgender intersectionality with my Sex not matching my Gender that this X passport does not work for me. My body and physiology appear intersex. I have not had surgeries to change my physiology to appear a male. Yet, I live full-time as… Continue reading Why Gender X Passport Doesn’t Work For Me.

Anonymous Messages, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex People

Inner City Intersex Survivor |Written By Anonymous for IAD.

I have often used my blog as a platform to give voice to those who do not feel safe or comfortable sharing who they are. For intersex awareness day this year, I share my forum to a person whose voice and story need to be heard. Together we are stronger, and I believe together we… Continue reading Inner City Intersex Survivor |Written By Anonymous for IAD.