Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Cultural Dysphoria, Emancipation, endosexism, Freedom, Genital Integrity, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex Erasure, Intersex People, Intersex Phobia, Intersex Traits, My Intersex Story, Prejudice, Science, Self-Determination, TEDx Jacksonville, Transgender, United Nations

My Plea: I am a 46XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN

This is the Poster I e-mailed for the Laurie Children's Hospital CAH Stories Symposium, Held on Feb. 4th and 5th, 2022. Email: The text in the poster above reads: I AM A MAN I am a 46 XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN You will not erase my intersex existence with your bad… Continue reading My Plea: I am a 46XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN

Bridge Building, Freedom, Hope, Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Self-Determination, Transgender

The Confusion of saying I “Identify as ______,” and a better solution.

I am struggling with language right now. Some are saying they "identify as intersex." I assume they are the variations of intersex that are rarely called "intersex." Such as CAH, Hypospadias, Klinfelters and or XXY people. In this regard, I understand the usage of the phrase "identify as intersex" because many of these variations of… Continue reading The Confusion of saying I “Identify as ______,” and a better solution.

Celebrations, Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Freedom, Genital Integrity, Hope, Intersex Traits, Poems

Poem: Mr. Vagina, Mrs. Penis, and Mx. Hermaphrodite

Welcome, Mr. Vagina, Mrs. Penis, and Mx. Hermaphrodite! Welcome to a new world that doesn't deny your existence. Where genitals can belong to any gender identity and any sexual orientation and you are all valid. Where us humans have learned to stop conflating sex traits with gender identity. Better yet, no one is diagnosed as… Continue reading Poem: Mr. Vagina, Mrs. Penis, and Mx. Hermaphrodite

Civil Rights, Freedom, Hope, Human Rights, Poems

Poem: Human Diversity & Your Prejudice

This poem was made with the beautiful Pride SPACE Flags created by Laurie Raye and graciously shared to all to use.  If you need definitions please visit Helpful Definitions of Human Sexuality with Flags. Human Diversity & Your Prejudice   If you hate us LGBTQIA+ people this poem is for you: Human Diversity is Beautiful stop… Continue reading Poem: Human Diversity & Your Prejudice

Freedom, Intersex People, Poems, Self-Determination

Poem: To be a Fighter By Julien Franke

  I run a Beyond the Binary: Gender Nonconformist Group on Facebook.  It is an amazing place where we can all share our thoughts safety, learn from each other and get love and support.   Julien is angry that self-determination was taken from him by the medical community.  Today this poem was shared in this… Continue reading Poem: To be a Fighter By Julien Franke

Emancipation, Freedom, Gender Space Pirate, Poems

Poem: My ship has finally landed!

My ship has finally landed! Thank you for welcoming me to this strange planet where only typical men and women are allowed to exist. I am obviously an Alien Space Pirate. Space Pirate, you say? How strange is that? There’s Space, which doesn’t have Pirates, and there are Pirates, that should never be in Space.… Continue reading Poem: My ship has finally landed!

Celebrations, Civil Rights, Emancipation, Freedom, Hope, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Self-Determination

I am Proudly the First in Colorado to get an Intersex Birth Certificate

The day I receive my intersex birth certificate from Colorado.

Celebrations, Emancipation, Freedom, Gender Pirate, Human Rights, Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Intersex Traits, Self-Determination, Short Messages, TEDx Jacksonville

I was picked to talk for TEDx Jacksonville Annual Conference October 20th, 2018

    Thank you TEDx Jacksonville for giving me this opportunity to change this world. I am feeling very emotional and very honored.  As a little boy, I had my voice taken from me. I now don't have to be silent. I have given myself a voice. I will continue to promise to be the… Continue reading I was picked to talk for TEDx Jacksonville Annual Conference October 20th, 2018

Civil Rights, Freedom, Hate Crimes, Homophobia, Hope, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Phobia, Poems, Prejudice, Transphobia

Poem: The Underground Rainbow Railroad, LGBTQIA+

How do we stay safe? Do we have freedom? You argue if I have privilege or not I don't have the same human rights as you I don't have the same civil rights as you either My life could be in danger My life not protected  Bigotry and Prejudice Special Safe lists: Safe doctors Safe… Continue reading Poem: The Underground Rainbow Railroad, LGBTQIA+

Freedom, Human Rights, Poems, Prejudice

Poem: I exist and I am here….

I exist and I am here. I exist and I am here, and I deserve to be alive. I exist and I am here, and my body is intersex and born both male and female. I exist and I am here, and my brain is not neurotypical. I exist and I am here, and no… Continue reading Poem: I exist and I am here….