My HRO Testimony | Jacksonville, Florida’s City Council |Jan. 2016|

This video is about Anunnaki Ray’s public comment on Jacksonville’s City Council Public Comment Section for the Human Rights Ordinance, that occurred in January of 2016. This video is in the public domain.

From a Publically Shared Facebook Post:  

January 15, 2016.

Intersex Anunnaki Ray speaking about gender and the harm experienced from the community as a result of the lack of education. “I” does not stand for “invisible” but “intersex.”:

“I was born intersex and I am one of those very rare people that are hardly ever heard.

I am not part of the LGBT acronyms, but yet, if the HRO is not passed, it is going to affect my family.

I was born, was declared female, was raised female, and it was not my true gender, and it made me extremely sick.

I’ve been with my husband for 20 years, we’ve been together as a couple for 27. I have 3 children, we adopted our youngest, and we now appear as a gay couple. And I am being mixed up as transgender. Even prior to my reclaiming my gender, I received prejudice in the hospitals here in Jacksonville as an intersex person because of my body being what it is.

Now that I am reclaiming myself and we appear a gay couple, it becomes even more confusing to people. This is a serious situation where we receive the collateral damage of such ordinances not being passed because of people not paying attention to all the different types of human beings that are out there.

Intersex traits are as common as redheads. This is pretty serious here. That means there are going to be babies born right here in Jacksonville like me if given the right to express their true gender that are going to look queer, that are not going to fit into your binary boxes, and may appear lesbian or gay or transgender. This is a huge problem.

There is no correct bathroom for me. And not once have I ever thought of doing anything strange in the bathrooms.

The fear and ignorance I am hearing is profound, and as an intersex person I hope that each and every one of you educate yourself about gender because it’s very concerning to me what I see happening to my transgender friends, what I see happening to my gay and lesbian friends, and it is definitely a concern when I see all the harm that has been done to the intersex community because of this lack of understanding around gender.”

