Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex People, Intersex Traits, My Intersex Story, Science, Self-Determination

To help end intersex genital mutilation, please stop conflating sex traits with gender identity.

A person on social media wrote to me, "I am male?" When I asked if they were a man. I then told them this describes their endosex sex traits since they did not say they had intersex physiology. Then I asked: "What is your gender identity?" I still do not know this person's gender identity.… Continue reading To help end intersex genital mutilation, please stop conflating sex traits with gender identity.

My Intersex Story, Relationships, Short Messages

A call for action: My pronouns are not “preferred” they are required.

A Call for ACTION to our allies. I am asking for language to change regarding pronouns. Please say instead: "Please share your required pronouns with me, but only if you feel safe." Here are my reasons: 1) My pronouns are not preferred, they are required and never negotiable. 2) It is not always safe to… Continue reading A call for action: My pronouns are not “preferred” they are required.

Bridge Building, Gender Nonconforming, Human Rights, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex inclusion, Intersex Traits, Transgender

Human Sexuality is Diverse & Greater Than the Binary

Created by Mx. Anunnaki Ray Marquez Shared on Facebook January 9, 20201: All humans can be assigned wrong at birth. I saw another version of this floating around and took the liberty to make it more gender diverse and intersex friendly.Not all people assigned wrong at birth are transgender. Not all people assigned wrong at… Continue reading Human Sexuality is Diverse & Greater Than the Binary

Bridge Building, Cultural Dysphoria, Human Rights, Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Questions and Answers, Transgender

My thoughts: What about puberty blockers and surgery?

On social media I receive this questions so decided to also turn my answer into a blog too: What about pubery blockers and surgery? I do believe that if the family and child have received informed consent, and know that any human being (endosex or intersex) can exist as man/boy, woman/girl, both or neither, that… Continue reading My thoughts: What about puberty blockers and surgery?

Gender Nonconforming, Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Poems, Self-Determination

Poem: Them | By Sara Kaplan

They look in the mirror and it is not right. They strive for perfection, and what’s reflected back doesn’t work for them. They aren’t comfortable being bound by boxes and binaries. They are themselves although that’s an intimidating place to be. They hold their ground and position with a ferocious stubbornness. Proven first, with their… Continue reading Poem: Them | By Sara Kaplan

Bathrooms, Human Rights, Intersex People, Prejudice, Short Messages

A common question I am asked: How do you go to the bathroom?

  I am asked often: How do you go to the bathroom? My joking answer and to the point: I find a bathroom, go into the bathroom, if it is a stall, I shut and lock the stall door, sit down and do my business like you do. My more serious answer:  1) I first… Continue reading A common question I am asked: How do you go to the bathroom?

Civil Rights, Freedom, Hope, Human Rights, Poems

Poem: Human Diversity & Your Prejudice

This poem was made with the beautiful Pride SPACE Flags created by Laurie Raye and graciously shared to all to use.  If you need definitions please visit Helpful Definitions of Human Sexuality with Flags. Human Diversity & Your Prejudice   If you hate us LGBTQIA+ people this poem is for you: Human Diversity is Beautiful stop… Continue reading Poem: Human Diversity & Your Prejudice

Celebrations, Hope, Intersex Awareness, Poems

Poem: June Pride when Born Intersex.

I  I am not alone. There are many of us. As common as redheads and green eyes. N Non-binary is the future. End this binary myth, please. T Thank you for including us! LGBTQIA+ E An Evolution is happening & our world is accepting all body types. R  Reality is we exist even if your… Continue reading Poem: June Pride when Born Intersex.

Intersex Activist, Short Messages

My idea: How medical forms could respect everyone.

Here is a sample that might work in respecting everyone when filling out forms for hospitals, doctors, mental health, or councilors. This would be a huge relief to me if I showed up at an emergency room and was given this instead of some conflated two options "male" or "female" that would not be accurate:… Continue reading My idea: How medical forms could respect everyone.

Bridge Building, Poems

Poem: I’m Not By Alex Rae

I'm Not  You ask me who I am Who I like How I feel You say I can tell you anything That all I have to do is be honest So I am I like everyone Just...not like that. 'Oh, that's not okay' 'Everyone likes someone like that,' you say 'But you're engaged,' you say… Continue reading Poem: I’m Not By Alex Rae