Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Cultural Dysphoria, Emancipation, endosexism, Freedom, Genital Integrity, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex Erasure, Intersex People, Intersex Phobia, Intersex Traits, My Intersex Story, Prejudice, Science, Self-Determination, TEDx Jacksonville, Transgender, United Nations

My Plea: I am a 46XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN

This is the Poster I e-mailed for the Laurie Children's Hospital CAH Stories Symposium, Held on Feb. 4th and 5th, 2022. Email: The text in the poster above reads: I AM A MAN I am a 46 XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN You will not erase my intersex existence with your bad… Continue reading My Plea: I am a 46XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN

Celebrations, Emancipation, Human Rights, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Memories, My Intersex Story, Self-Determination

For Intersex Day of Solidarity and Remembrance 2020

The Chalk Board that Anunnaki and His Husband James Made for Intersex Awareness Day 2015 | All the bad words I have been called. I was born intersex in 1967, and experts decided to raise me a girl in error. My mother would want me named Anthony. She was right in her intuition about my… Continue reading For Intersex Day of Solidarity and Remembrance 2020

Emancipation, Hate Crimes, Human Rights Violations, Intersex People, Poems

Poem: The Monster was you all along!

Most of my life I was taught that the monster was within me If only I could be more feminine be more inteligent be more conforming be more ordinary be a proper girl Most of my life I was taught that I was the problem and I worked hard to prove you right Conforming to… Continue reading Poem: The Monster was you all along!

Emancipation, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Awareness, My Intersex Story, Self-Determination

A Zen Koan: The winter of my life.

All my life false and real, right and wrong tangled Playing with the moon, ridiculing wind, listening to birds Many years wasted seeing the mountain covered with snow This winter I suddenly realize snow makes a mountain. - Eihel Dogen For those who do not know, this is an example of a Koan.  A Koan… Continue reading A Zen Koan: The winter of my life.

Emancipation, Intersex Awareness, My Intersex Story, Transgender

Finally, I am the man I was supposed to be.

I morn and grieve for that little boy who had no support.  Who was not allowed to emerge, who was told by his family and experts that he was a girl, that he had to be a girl.  I use to cry alot and feel despair that led to only suicide and self destruction. I… Continue reading Finally, I am the man I was supposed to be.

Celebrations, Emancipation, Human Rights, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Self-Determination, Transgender

My Gratitude​ for Thanksgiving 2018

From a Life Event on Facebook: I survived when I truly believe that few do. Being brave, and sharing a memory from November 2014. I was having an adrenal crisis with a urinary tract infection. I suffered from disabling autonomic dysfunction back then, among other things related to mitochondrial disorder and related problems due to… Continue reading My Gratitude​ for Thanksgiving 2018

Emancipation, Freedom, Gender Space Pirate, Poems

Poem: My ship has finally landed!

My ship has finally landed! Thank you for welcoming me to this strange planet where only typical men and women are allowed to exist. I am obviously an Alien Space Pirate. Space Pirate, you say? How strange is that? There’s Space, which doesn’t have Pirates, and there are Pirates, that should never be in Space.… Continue reading Poem: My ship has finally landed!

Celebrations, Civil Rights, Emancipation, Freedom, Hope, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Self-Determination

I am Proudly the First in Colorado to get an Intersex Birth Certificate

The day I receive my intersex birth certificate from Colorado.

Celebrations, Emancipation, Freedom, Gender Pirate, Human Rights, Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Intersex Traits, Self-Determination, Short Messages, TEDx Jacksonville

I was picked to talk for TEDx Jacksonville Annual Conference October 20th, 2018

    Thank you TEDx Jacksonville for giving me this opportunity to change this world. I am feeling very emotional and very honored.  As a little boy, I had my voice taken from me. I now don't have to be silent. I have given myself a voice. I will continue to promise to be the… Continue reading I was picked to talk for TEDx Jacksonville Annual Conference October 20th, 2018

Anunnaki Ray's Photographic Stories, Celebrations, Emancipation, Gender Pirate, Human Rights, Intersex Awareness, Self-Determination

Intersex Day of Remembrance and Solidarity 2017

Intersex Day of Remembrance, also known as Intersex Solidarity Day, is an international awareness day that aims to draw attention to the issues faced by members of the intersex community. It is observed on November 8, marking the birth anniversary of Herculine Barbin.  Herculine was a hermaphrodite who wrote a memoir about their life and… Continue reading Intersex Day of Remembrance and Solidarity 2017