Hate Crimes, Human Rights Violations, Relationships

When it is not safe to share our pronouns.

I often have conversations with people on Facebook, and the comments I share below are an accumulation of responses to this post: Please share a time when it is not safe to share your own or another person's true pronouns. Note: "True Pronouns" are what we have self-determined to reflect our authentic gender identity and… Continue reading When it is not safe to share our pronouns.

Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Relationships

Reading This Can Change Your Perspective – Anya Kylie

Sometimes intersex friends share with me things that they want more people to read. Here is a letter to you, from a beloved intersex friend of mine. She writes to you about being assigned wrong, coerced as a nonconsenting child into surgery, and forced the wrong hormones. She was never supposed to be a boy… Continue reading Reading This Can Change Your Perspective – Anya Kylie

Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Cultural Dysphoria, Emancipation, endosexism, Freedom, Genital Integrity, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex Erasure, Intersex People, Intersex Phobia, Intersex Traits, My Intersex Story, Prejudice, Science, Self-Determination, TEDx Jacksonville, Transgender, United Nations

My Plea: I am a 46XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN

This is the Poster I e-mailed for the Laurie Children's Hospital CAH Stories Symposium, Held on Feb. 4th and 5th, 2022. Email: cahstories@luriechildrens.org The text in the poster above reads: I AM A MAN I am a 46 XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN You will not erase my intersex existence with your bad… Continue reading My Plea: I am a 46XX CAH Intersex Nonconforming Gay Transgender MAN

Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Prejudice, Transgender, World Health Organization

Stop diagnosing those you don’t agree with.

My Thoughts for November: Transgender Awareness Month. Please pause when some in the psychiatric and medical complex want to diagnose people who are different or act against cultural standards. Not all psychiatrist or medical doctors are harmful, and many are there to help people. However, there are still some psychiatrist and doctors, who still do… Continue reading Stop diagnosing those you don’t agree with.

Hate Crimes, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Phobia, Poems, Prejudice, Relationships, Short Messages

Poem: Institutionalized approved torture

Today I shared to the world on Facebook: My great aunt suffered electric shock treatment and being locked up in psychiatric hospitals for being a lesbian. She would ultimately commit suicide to escape institutionalized torture. I sometimes wonder if she was also intersex. I can't get any straight answers. If she was intersex, that would… Continue reading Poem: Institutionalized approved torture

Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Cultural Dysphoria, Human Rights, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery

Dear Medical Complex, Please stop saying Disorder of Sex Development.

  If we are to change our culture's view of intersex people, there is something very powerful we all can do.  It is as simple as changing the language used to describe intersex children and adults. The United Nations' states: "Because our bodies are seen as different, intersex infants, children and adults are often stigmatized and… Continue reading Dear Medical Complex, Please stop saying Disorder of Sex Development.

Human Rights Violations, Intersex People, Jim Costich, Relationships, The Man with the Hidden Playground

Intersex people must be allowed self-determination about our bodies, our identities, and our lives. By Jim Costich

By Jim Costich April 17th, 2019   Like Anunnaki, I am one of the lucky ones. One of the intersex people who was not mutilated by surgeons' knives.  Also, one of the lucky ones because I did not have a forced gender assignment and although my hormonal health was postponed due to medical malpractitioners I… Continue reading Intersex people must be allowed self-determination about our bodies, our identities, and our lives. By Jim Costich

Hate Crimes, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Activist, Intersex Phobia, My Intersex Story, Self-Determination, Transphobia

Why medical prejudice and malpractice didn’t​ kill me.

A friend shared this quote with me when I was dying and saving myself from the horrors of forced gender assignment back in 2014. Back then, I felt like I was drowning in the middle of the cold Atlantic Ocean with no raft, no life jacket. Abandoned by those who should have cared, but did… Continue reading Why medical prejudice and malpractice didn’t​ kill me.

Human Rights, My Intersex Story, Poems

Don’t say you Care, you don’t!

I exist and yet you deny it. I exist and yet you are so intersex phobic, you can't even call it what it is:  I N T E R S E X I exist and yet you tell the parents of babies born like me that I am a liar!  I legally exist, and you… Continue reading Don’t say you Care, you don’t!