My Intersex Story, Poems, Prejudice

Poem: This is not my world!

This is not my world. How could it be? You abort us, sterilize us, and destroy our genital integrity. You raise us the wrong gender with your "expertise" and "science." All without our consent as children. This is not my world. How could it be? You erased us from information technology, forms, and pretty much… Continue reading Poem: This is not my world!

Human Rights, My Intersex Story, Poems

Don’t say you Care, you don’t!

I exist and yet you deny it. I exist and yet you are so intersex phobic, you can't even call it what it is:  I N T E R S E X I exist and yet you tell the parents of babies born like me that I am a liar!  I legally exist, and you… Continue reading Don’t say you Care, you don’t!

Human Rights Violations, Jim Costich, The Man with the Hidden Playground

The 100% Female Intersex Girlz

By Jim Costich  March 29th, 2019 Before I begin, here is a reminder of the definition of Intersex from the United Nations Intersex fact sheet: Intersex people are born with sex characteristics (including genitals, gonads and chromosome patterns) that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies. Intersex is an umbrella term… Continue reading The 100% Female Intersex Girlz

Human Rights Violations, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Poems

A poem from an intersex survivor of genital cosmetic corrective surgery: Ode to a life.

Ode to a life A little child was born today, whether it’s a boy or a girl was hard to say. The poor, innocent mother they quickly sedated, While the doctors and nurses stood around and debated. One doctor said “The penis is too small, this will never, never do at all.” Another spoke up… Continue reading A poem from an intersex survivor of genital cosmetic corrective surgery: Ode to a life.

Bridge Building, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Awareness, Intersex Cosmetic Surgery, Intersex People, Poems

Intersex Poem By Mo Cortez, Intersex Advocate

Intersex Poem: September 5th, 2012 "Let’s curse the verse. The fame of shame can be tamed. Its name is bold, written on a frame of gold. The picture can’t be measured with a Ritcher. A broken heart torn all apart. So from the start, we a work of art. But with a scalpel with no… Continue reading Intersex Poem By Mo Cortez, Intersex Advocate

Bridge Building, Human Rights, Intersex Awareness, Intersex inclusion, Intersex People, Relationships

Why I feel INTERSEX should be added to the LGBTQ+ rainbow

I feel it is now time to create more allies, create more supportive organizations, and give a way for organizations that want to become intersex inclusive direction on how they can help us end these atrocities that intersex people face.  These human rights violations are in regards to aborting healthy intersex fetuses, and ending non-consenting… Continue reading Why I feel INTERSEX should be added to the LGBTQ+ rainbow

Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Hate Crimes, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Awareness, Prejudice, Relationships, Self-Determination, United Nations

Being rejected by my family because of what I represent when I speak up for my intersex cousin who was mutilated.

I have an intersex cousin who was born about ten years after me. They allowed a surgeon to cut off their child's phallus for no good reason. They allowed themselves to be talked into the utterly crazy belief that all there is to be a woman is to be missing a penis.  Worse, this surgeon… Continue reading Being rejected by my family because of what I represent when I speak up for my intersex cousin who was mutilated.

Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Cultural Dysphoria, Human Rights, Human Rights Violations, Intersex Awareness, Intersex People, Poems, Self-Determination

Poem: Stop Cutting us With Steel

Stop Cutting us With Steel We are not a myth, We are real. We are hermaphrodites. To be cut by the blade, and by steel. To be erased, by this cruel world. That is threatened by our existence. We are not a myth, We are real. We are hermaphrodites. That word HERMAPHRODITE you even destroyed… Continue reading Poem: Stop Cutting us With Steel

Cosmetic Genital Surgery, Intersex Awareness, Questions and Answers, Transgender, United Nations

The difference between transgender and intersex and the harm that wrong language can bring

Language is very important, and language can do harm. Here is one example to why: The biggest priority most intersex activists/advocates/educators have, like me, is ending genital mutilation in babies born with intersex traits and decreasing our bodies being aborted when detected before birth. This means "Born in the wrong body" transgender theories, can do… Continue reading The difference between transgender and intersex and the harm that wrong language can bring