
Poem: Queerious!

To me,

you are amazingly



Some might be angry

Some might be hurt

Some might call you a chaser

or even a




is a new way

that some might simply say

Your Queer!”


I captured your attention

I was so bold, to not mention

Here is a new lovely word I offer you today:



We wanted to check out the sex scene

We found ourselves surrounded by queens


There I was in that group

beyond just an endosex dream

beyond cisgender

pink and blue

And I did not see a jerk!


I knew I would not bore you

So I reached out to just say

“Hey, I adore you!”

As we texted more and more each day

Your heart got in the way

and you became


in a flirtatious way!


You asked so many questions

Sex Ed failed for you and me

We have texted for hours

and now you see a way


To me, you are simply


I enjoy teaching you

purple and yellow

You now know

I am way beyond

the ordinary fellow


Some say you have to be born that way

Maybe that’s true for some

But opportunistic sex is real

and there is nothing wrong


having fun



People change this world

They normalize all sexual attraction

with what some bigots might stigmatize and

call strange

The Queerious ones can arrive with

True Love


Great compassion!


To hold you in my arms someday soon

Doesn’t love always win in the end?


I am glad you are


Queerious one

and now you have become

more than just

my friend.

By Mx. Anunnaki Ray Marquez

September 5th, 2023

Note: This poem is dedicated to anyone who wants to date, have sex with, or fall in love with us intersex and transgender people. A person is endosex if not born with intersex traits. One is cisgender if they agree with their birth assignment the day they were born.


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